Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Import Through Server

If you open the Administration Console and go to import, you would basically find 4 options. They are
1.   Import from Database
2.   Import through Server
3.   Import from Repository
4.   Import from XMLA
The options 1,3 and 4 are pretty self explanatory. But so far i have never used the Import through Server option. This option again has some interesting features. And this works only if you have open a repository in the online mode. Let us try to understand this here. Consider that we have 2 machines A and B as shown below.

So in effect an user in Machine B is opening the repository in the server machine A in online mode. So, let’s see what happens when we open Import from Database.

As you see when we click on import from Database it shows all the set of System DSNs that have already been created in Machine B(local to Machine B). So, now lets see what happens when we click on Import through Server

The list of DSNs have changed, havent they? So what Import through Server does is it exposes the Machine A’s DSNs, TNSNames entries etc to Machine B. So, any user who is involved in the repository creation process does not have to create local DSNs or TNSNames entries. All they have to do is to connect to the repository on the Server(in Machine A) in online mode and then click on Import through Server. This is very much used in the Multi User Development of the Repositories.

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